Fraction Simplifying

Simplify Fractions

Both of these fractions are the same amount of money, but written with a different numerator and denominator. There are no other common factors between 2 and 5 so this fraction is as simplified as it can be.

Simplify Fractions

The fastest way to simplify a fraction is to recognize the largest whole number that will divide evenly into both the numerator and denominator. Although is an equivalent fraction to , it is not in lowest terms. Find the GCF by prime factoring both the numerator and denominator. Multiply them together to get the required GCF. Now we can use the prime factorizations to determine if there are any common factors in the numerator and the denominator. To simplify the fraction, divide the numerator and denominator by 2.

Simplifying & Equivalent Fractions Differentiated Interactive Notes

Therefore, we can write the fraction \(\frac\) as \(3\frac\). David Jia is an Academic Tutor and the Founder of LA Math Tutoring, a private tutoring company based in Los Angeles, California.

Graphic organizer to help students practice simplifying fractions. This paper is to be placed inside of a transparency or clear protector.

Math Graphic Organizer

For example, it is easier to multiply by \( \frac\) than it is to multiply by \( \frac\). Enter the numerator and denominator of the fraction to be simplified. Here is a simple answer that just divides the numerator and denominator by all the integers that came before them, if divisible. And then we identify the GCF from the prime factorization.

Note that when writing fractional answers, we will multiply out the numerator and leave the denominator in factored form. Very often, fractions are more useful in this form. Here both numerator and denominator are even numbers, so we can use 2 to divide the fraction. Repeat this process until there are no more common factors. Divide both the numerator and denominator by the common factor. When the numerator is larger than the denominator, it is often helpful to reduce the fraction further into a mixed number. The greatest common factor is the largest number that is evenly divisible by both the numerator and denominator.

Simplify Fractions Calculator

There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Using the “guess and check method,” we may notice that 24 and 36 are both divisible by 3.

  • To simplify a negative fraction, we use the same process as in the previous example.
  • List the first several multiples of the smaller denominator.
  • Repeat this process until there are no more common factors.
  • The quotient becomes the whole number, the remainder is the numerator, and we keep the same denominator.
  • For additional explanation of factoring numbers to find the greatest common factor see the Greatest Common Factor Calculator.
  • Write the whole and the simplified fraction together.

Elizabeth Coleman has a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of South Florida. She has written education material for college geography courses and conducted scholarly research on natural disaster risk and management. The word fraction comes from the Latin word ‘Fractio’ which means to break. We can use proportions to convert English units of measure into metric units and vice versa. The following basic relationships will be helpful in setting up appropriate proportions for conversions.

Examples Of Prime Factor Tree Method

So, if we simplify a fraction, we reduce the fraction to the simplest terms. One of the things you have to do at the end of most fraction problems is to simplify or reduce the fraction. When you reduce a fraction, you don’t change the actual value of the fraction, you just write it down in its simplest form. When simplifying a fraction with a negative sign, remember the rules of negative numbers. If the numerator or denominator is negative, then the whole fraction is negative. Multiplying a negative by a negative will give an answer that is positive and multiplying a negative by a positive will give an answer that is negative. The strategy will change depending on whether the fraction is proper or improper.

Simplify Fractions

Solution We multiply the numerator and denominator by the LCD of all fractions in the numerator and denominator; in this case, the LCD is 4. The result is a simple fraction equivalent to the given complex fraction. However, we can use the fundamental principle of fractions to simplify complex fractions. In fact, we can also use the fundamental principle to simplify complex fractions of Form above. When the fractions in a quotient involve algebraic expressions, it is necessary to factor wherever possible and divide out common factors before multiplying.

The Next Lesson In: Equivalent Fractions Is: Simplifying Fractions Using Highest Common Factor

See an animation of Fractions on the Number Line where you can see many common fractions and their simpler version. For additional explanation of factoring numbers to find the greatest common factor see the Greatest Common Factor Calculator. Next, we will find the factors of 12 in a similar way, and we will repeat the process until we get both numbers as prime numbers. Let’s try using the division ladder to simplify 8/12 like the examples above. The largest number common to both is 2; thus, 2 is the greatest common factor. Reciprocals are important when it comes to dividing fractions, finding perpendicular lines, dealing with inverse proportions, and so much more!

Simplify Fractions

Remember, when we find the GCF from a list of prime factors, we choose the fewest of what is common. You may have divided 72 by 2 and got 38 rather than 36. Is an equivalent fraction to , but it is not in lowest terms.

Operations With Fractions

In algebra, we often rewrite an expression such as as an equivalent expression .Use whichever form is most convenient for a particular problem. We also have a chart of fractions with the simplest fraction highlighted. Simplifying fractions means to make the fraction as simple as possible. The numerator must be greater than the denominator, , so it can be converted to a mixed number. First of all, we will find the factors of 24 such that one number is a prime number. Equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value.

  • You will find the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator and use it to reduce the fraction to its lowest terms.
  • For example, it is easier to multiply by \( \frac\) than it is to multiply by \( \frac\).
  • Place the remainder over the denominator, and add it to the whole number to form a mixed number.
  • So, 1/2 is the fraction number representing the part of ice cream.
  • By dividing the numerator and denominator by the greatest common factor of 2 found in the previous example.
  • Fifty cents is also 50 pennies out of 100 pennies, or of a dollar.

At this time, you may want to review the steps suggested to solve word problems and the steps suggested on page 260 to solve equations that contain fractions. With 1 as the numerator and 2 as the reduced denominator, the fraction part of the mixed number is 1/2. First of all, find the factors of numerator and denominator. Continue doing this until there is no way to evenly divide both numbers by the same denominator. The numbers on the bottom represent the simplified fraction. Fraction simplification allows us to find the simplest version of a certain fraction. This is useful when we have to perform operations with fractions.

Example: Simplify The Fraction 10 35 :

Because 3 is not a factor of the entire numerator 3y + 2. Divide both the top and bottom of the fraction by the Greatest Common Factor (you have to work it out first!).

Lesson Summary: Simplifying Fractions

Then, cancel the GCF out of the numerator and denominator. The result will be the most reduced form of the fraction. Simplifying fractions Simplify Fractions is the process of reducing the numerator and denominator to their smallest whole numbers so the fraction is in its simplest form.

Math Worksheets: Rewriting Proper Fractions In Their Simplest Form

As the only factor shared by 1 and 2 is 1, the fraction cannot be simplified further. First, multiply \frac by \frac to remove the fraction in the denominator. As the only factor shared by 1 and 28 is 1, the fraction cannot be simplified further. First, multiply \frac by \frac to remove the fraction in the numerator.

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